Cypriot Ear-lug jar: Early Cypriot I (2300 – 2150 BC)

Ear-lug jar

 An iconic EC I shaped Red Polished I Ware.  Particularly associated with the North coast but with small loop handles elsewhere (Lubsen-Admiraal p63). Usually black-topped, though not here. Division into zones by horizontal lines suggests end of EC I. 

Reconstructed from several pieces with small areas of reconstruction on neck. Most of slip lost on one side of body, and possible modern fire blackening on the other. Chips from handle and upper neck.


 Ovoid body stretched at bottom to small, flat base, and above to tall, wide, cylindrical neck, out-turned at the top. Two opposed, vertical, flange handles at junction of body and neck. Burnished red slip with incised decoration, originally filled with lime: chiefly un-bordered, diagonally hatched diamonds on neck and upper body. At mid body and below lugs a double line above dotted line. Same triple lines form 12 chevrons below the mid-line.

Cf: Dikaios & Stewart 1962 p.317 Pl.CIV; British Mus. 1939,0217.14;



Size: 30.5 x 17.2cm 1.7kg

(From a collection acquired on the UK art market from various auction houses and collections mostly before 2000. From an important Cambridgeshire estate; thence by descent. Extreme blackening of of several items suggest a house fire.)

(Aquired Timeline Auctions)

(DJ 280 AN 260)