Cypriot Black Slip V - Proto Base Ring juglet: Late Cypriot Ia (1650-1550)

Black Slip V - Proto Base Ring juglet

Middle Cypriot Black slip continued into the LC I period. This rare piece could be considered a Proto Base Ring version of the Base Ring juglet popularly known as a  "bilbil", produced in large numbers and widely exported.

Inverted ovoid body with flat base, long slim tubular neck and funnel rim. Strap handle from shoulder to upper neck where there is an applied ring. Incised decoration around body: double line near top and bottom, linked by 5 vertical cross-hatched panels. Even black slip. Complete, good condition.

3 old Labels on the item: (1)“Leeds Exhibition 1875, Property of Sandwith, No C7 27” (2)“Etruscan(?) bottle from Fry Collection, Somerdale, Bristol” (3)“10-12-52 Mrs Clarke Antique Shop, Yeovil”

Exhibited: The Yorkshire Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures, Leeds, 1875, cf. Exhibition catalogue.

Cf./Notes: Eames SJ 1994 p.132 fig.4a ……………………….



Size: H. 13cm

(Ex collection Thomas Backhouse Sandwith (1831-1900) (Diplomat & British Vice- Consul in Cyprus 1865-1870); later the Fry Collection, Somerdale, Bristol; later the collection of Lionel Walrond FMA (1927-2020).Acquired on 10 December 1952 from Mrs Clarke, Yeovil)

(Aquired Art Ancient, London, 25 April 2023)

(DJ 250 AN 230)